

This creative workshop project will use drama and artistic mediums to explore issues arising from the legacy of the conflict in Ireland. Using the arts, the project will provide participants with a space to explore and create opinions and understanding of contemporary society and the issues they face.  

The workshops are part of Adapting Aftermath Archives, a cross-border project which will develop an educational toolkit from the Aftermath project archives ( funded under PEACE III – 2012-2013). 

Adapting Aftermath Archives is funded under the EU’s PEACE IV Programme, managed by the Special EU Programmes Body (SEUPB). Match-funding for the project has been provided by the Executive Office in Northern Ireland and the Department of Rural and Community Development in Ireland. 

Project photographers:

Johnny Frazer

Ciarán Dunbar

Creative workshops exploring issues arising from the Aftermath Archives project exploring the legacy of the conflict, developing sustainable community development through informed dialogue. Participants are exposed to a broad, diverse range of narratives from those impacted by the conflict, providing an opportunity for the participants to both learn from those narratives and to present their own narratives and understanding of contemporary society and the issues they face. This quality, intensive engagement will empower young people, build trust and communication skills, offer a range of transferrable skills and build new relationships for continued partnerships.

110 Young people aged 14-18 years of age, October- December 2021

Participants from Monaghan YT, Sligo IT, VOIPIC,  Carrickfergus YMCA, YPAG

Project Co-ordinator: Louise Mathews

This is one of many projects we have to offer community groups. If you work with a community group who would be interested in getting involved in similar upcoming projects, please get in touch by emailing

Photo Credit Paul Kavanagh